Ohioans have been fighting an uphill battle against state and national extremists who are determined to outright eliminate access to reproductive health care, including safe and legal abortion.
There is no short supply of elected extremists that have dedicated their time to overthrowing Roe v. Wade and turning their backs on the needs of Black and Brown women. That is why I will continue to fight for reproductive rights, infant and maternal mortality, as well as, menstrual equity.
Congresswoman Joyce Beatty
Support Roe v. Wade on its 47th Anniversary!
Forty-seven years ago, our Supreme Court took a bold and much-needed step in the fight for reproductive freedom in their decision in Roe v. Wade. Fast-forward to 2020, and Ohio Republicans are trying to set us back.
I’m proud to fight for reproductive freedom. I’ve co-sponsored bills like the Women’s Health Protection Act because I know the importance of protecting those rights.
Abortion is healthcare.
Sign this petition to show your support for Roe v. Wade.